De verdad que la recomiendo, pero solo si te gusta la acción y si eres capaz de tomártelo como lo que es, un película. Que parece que hoy en día todo tiene que tener un mensaje oculto moralista, leches…
We went to see Kick-Ass, and the truth is I loved it. It’s done by the same guys who did Superbad, which was a movie I resisted for a long time thinking it would be a been-there-seen-that American Pie kind of movie and when I finally saw it, I loved it. Anyhow, still in the same vein, Kick-Ass is a crude, extremely aggressive, somewhat mentally disturbed, Super Heroes without powers movie. I laughed, I cringed and in some scenes I was a bit nauseous, because the fight scenes are very realistic. All the actors are wonderful (about time Nicholas Cage did something good again), and I will follow Chloe Moretz’s future career very closely, as I thought her performance as Hit Girl was incredible. It seems that it’s because of her character that this movie has had some very bad reviews, since it’s a very violent and foul mouthed part, but I thought she was magnificent.

http://drnorth.wordpress.com/2010/04/08/kick-ass/ I really recommend this film, but only if you like action, and if you are capable of seeing it for what it is, A MOVIE. It seems that nowadays everything has to have a moralist hidden message, for Pete’s sake…